Lotus Sutra Buddhist ART Garden in Parigné l'Evêque with Apple musicSpiritual JazzPlaylist..
Buddhist Garden Ideas: Tips For Creating A Buddhist Garden Garden Spaces By: Mary H. Dyer, Credentialed Garden Writer Printer Friendly Version Image by Chris de Luca What is a Buddhist garden? A Buddhist garden may display Buddhist images and art, but more importantly, it can be any simple, uncluttered garden that reflects Buddhist principles of peace, serenity, goodness and respect for all living things. Buddhist Garden Elements Choose Buddhist garden elements carefully; a simple, uncluttered garden promotes a feeling of calm. Statues Statues of Buddha should be raised above the ground to display proper respect. Often, statues are placed on a marble slab or altar table, but even a mound of stones or a woven mat is appropriate. The statues are often used in conjunction with a peaceful garden pond and floating lotus blooms. Lotus Sutra Buddhist ART The religion of the future will be a cosmic religion. Buddhism has the characteristics of what would be expected in a cosmic religion for t...